Lowongan Kerja Laboran Teknik Elektro Institut Teknologi Del Deadline 15 Juli 2016

Del Insitutute of Technology (IT Del) is a technical university with a mission to provide quality education and learning environment to young men and women who otherwise are deprived from access to such facilities, thereby pave the road to their better future.

IT Del aims to develop information technology professionals attributed with leadership, creativity, discipline, and capable of harnessing the potentials of information technology in addressing societal needs.


Lowongan Kerja Laboran Teknik Elektro Institut Teknologi Del Deadline 15 Juli 2016Del Institute of Technology is situated in a small village near the famous Lake Toba, Sitoluama. It’s in Laguboti, one of the towns of Toba Samosir regency. The campus is about 225 kms distance from the capital of North Sumatera Province, Medan. It takes around six hours to drive from Medan to the campus, while by air transportation; it takes only forty five-minute flight from Polonia International Airport, Medan to Silangit Airport. However, one needs to take another 50 minute-drive from Silangit Airport to the campus. The airport is about 10 kms from the capital of Toba Samosir Regency, Balige.

With the campus’ location afar from big cities, the students are expected to focus on studies rather than intervened by the luxuries of big cities can offer.

The campus’ architecture is designed to be an ergonomic one that serves comfort and fresh air to the people living in it. Though being parted from the rush of big cities, the students are still able to keep on track for every current news and technologies because they are given access to the Internet.


Laboran Teknik Elektro
  • Job Location: Lake Toba, near Balige 
  • Deadline: 15 Juli 2016

Job Description
  • Menjamin kelengkapan dan kesiapan instrumen praktikum di laboratorium-laboratorium Teknik Elektro
  • Membimbing dan mensupervisi mahasiswa dalam melakukan praktikum Teknik Elektro, antara lain: Rangkaian Listrik, Elektronika, dan Sistem Digital.
  • Melakukan penelitian dalam topik-topik yang relevan di bawah supervisi dosen Teknik Elektro.

  • Warga Negara Indonesia
  • Jenis kelamin laki-laki atau perempuan
  • Sehat jasmani dan rohani serta bebas dari narkoba
  • Pada tanggal 1 Juli 2016, berusia maksimum 27 tahun
  • Pendidikan terakhir S-1 Teknik Elektro / Pendidikan Teknik Elektro
  • IPK Minimal 2.80
  • Diutamakan yang pernah menjadi asisten praktikum

Berkas lamaran yang terdiri dari surat lamaran dan Curriculum Vitae dikirimkan dalam satu file pdf melalui e-mail ke fidelis@del.ac.id (max 2MB).

Lamaran dapat juga dikirim melalui pos, ditujukan kepada:

Rektor Institut Teknologi Del
u.p. Bagian Kepegawaian
Jl. Sisingamangaraja, Ds. Sitoluama
Kec. Laguboti, Kab. Tobasa – 22381

Lamaran ditunggu sampai tanggal 15 Juli 2016.(Sumber)

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