Lowongan Kerja PAKO Manufacturing Development Program PT Pakoakuina (PAKO GROUP) Deadline 14 Agustus 2016

Focusing on producing both steel and alloy wheel rims, Pako Group serves various customers in the domestic OEM market as well as export to various international OEM markets including Japan, Germany, Hungary, Malaysia and Thailand. Among Pako's customers are Toyota, Mitsubishi, Isuzu, Daihatsu, Suzuki, Honda and Nissan. Through three companies in the Group, Pako's production capacity has exceeded 2 million alloy wheel rim, 2.9 million steel wheel rim and 500,000 sets of motorcycle wheel rims.
Lowongan Kerja PAKO Manufacturing Development Program PT Pakoakuina (PAKO GROUP) Deadline 14 Agustus 2016
In 2013, Pako strengthen its dominance in steel wheel rim by strategic partnership with TOPY (Largest wheel rim manufacturer in the world) and alloy wheel with PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk. (AOP). Pako competitive advantage are operational excellence and customer satisfaction.

is a leading manufacturer of steel and alloy wheel rims and sells its product to OEM domestic and international.The group consist of :

Since successful in economic development in the first of 5 year development planning (Repelita 1) and the decision of Minister of Industry and Trade, governing the importation of automotive and assembly industry and it’s supporting industries in 1974; the automotive industry and it’s component industry begin. 

Starting to this opportunity, in 1976 PT. INKOASKU founded, which focus to manufacture of steel wheel rim for passenger car and pick up or minibus. The company business grows as supplier for in OE domestic and also in regional market.

The non-oil and gas industrial sector growing fast and also needed of transportation for commercial sector; and also the decision of Industrial and Trade Ministry to increase of local content of automotive component, is a good opportunity for local industrial component. 

This opportunity was used by the establishment of PT. PALINGDA NATIONAL in 1981to manufacture of truck and bus steel wheels rim i, which will support the truck and bus industry in the country.

To support the luxury vehicle components, thenin 1988 PT. Pakoakuina founded, which manufacture of wheels rim made of alloy which look more attractive in compare with the conventional wheel rim. The market of the company also for OE both in domestic and export market.


PAKO Manufacturing Development Program

  • Kategori Posisi: Management Trainee
  • Deadline: 14 Agustus 2016
  • Bidang Industri: Manufaktur
  • Pendidikan Minimal: Minimal Diploma
  • Jenis Lowongan: Full Time
  • Penempatan: Seluruh Indonesia

Syarat Umum:

  • Pria / Wanita
  • Usia maksimal 27 tahun
  • IPK Min 2,75 lulusan dari Jurusan :
  • Level  D3 : Teknik Mesin dan Teknik Elektro        
  • Level  S1 : Teknik Mesin, Teknik Industri, Teknik Kimia, Teknik Elektro

Syarat Khusus:

  • Memiliki analisa dan logika berfikir yang baik.
  • Memiliki inisiatif dan kemauan untuk belajar.
  • Mampu bekerjasama serta memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik.
  • Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman organisasi.
  • Memiliki minat  bekerja di industri manufacture
  • Bersedia mengikuti program di Karawang (Jawa Barat) dan Sunter (Jakarta Utara)

Bagi yang memenuhi syarat silahkan kirim CV, Transkrip & Ijazah Anda

via email ke hrdpako@pakoakuina.com dengan subject email PMDP-UNDIP atau apply secara online di website Undip Career Center.
*Proses pelaksanaan tes dilaksanakan di SOLO. Sumber

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