PT. OTTO Pharmaceutical Industries is part of Mensa Group; it is a pharmaceutical manufacturing company producing a variety of quality medicines with the aim to serve the people nationwide.
Otto was established on the 8th April 1963 in Bandung, West Java. In 1981, the ownership of the company was taken over by Mensa Group, during which time a management re-organization took place including the improvement in the company’s accounting system and the addition of production facility within the plant. Since then Otto continues to expand, developing both the manufacturing plant and the company’s human resources. In line with the confidence gained by the medical doctors and public towards the quality of Otto’s products, provided Otto the opportunity to improve her sales and market share.
In 1991, Otto became one of the few pioneering pharmaceutical companies in the country which obtained the CPOB certificate. In June 2005, the company obtained ISO 9001:2000 certifications from RWTUV GmbH Germany (ISO international).
In 2006, with the support of the multinational company, DSM Nutritional Products–Switzerland (previously Roche Vitamins), Otto successfully launched an innovative product for osteoporosis with the brand of HIBONE.
In the beginning of 2007, to meet the cGMP standard ( required by BPOM - local ministry of Food and Medicines and in line to the Healthcare ASEAN Harmonization) and to manufacture products meeting International standard, Otto started planning on building a new manufacturing plant. In line to the increased demand for Cephalosporin injection products, a new plant will be built separately to accommodate this and cephalosporin oral products.
For the whole new plant construction Otto appointed NNE Pharmaplan as their consultant for the design concept meeting the standard of cGMP, PIC’s and EU (The Pharmaplan group of companies has more than 450 highly skilled engineers and has successfully carried out over 150 turnkey projects 1.000 engineering projects worldwide).
- Deadline : July 30, 2016
- Pendidikan : Profesi Apoteker
- Pengalaman min. 3 tahun di bidang R&D Formulasi atau
- Produksi (proses pengolahan) industri farmasi
- Memahami kualifikasi, prinsip kerja, kapabilitas mesin/peralatan di bagian produksi dan kesesuaiannya dengan bahan baku dan formula suatu produk
- Mampu berpikir kreatif dan inovatif
- Mampu bekerjasama dalam tim dan mampu menjalin komunikasi dengan baik
- Domisili di Bandung
Bagi para kandidat yang merasa memenuhi kualifikasi dapat mengirimkan surat lamaran, CV serta berkas pendukung ke alamat :
PT Otto Pharmaceutical Industries
Jl. Dr.Setiabudhi km 12.1
Bandung 40391
Atau email ke
- Deadline : July 30, 2016
- Pendidikan : S1 Farmasi, Profesi Apoteker
- Pengalaman min. 2 tahun di bidang RD industri farmasi (untuk SPV) dan fresh graduate (untuk Staf)
- Menguasai analisa produk jadi dan bahan baku
- Mampu bekerjasama dalam tim dan mampu menjalin komunikasi dengan baik
- Domisili di Bandung
Bagi para kandidat yang merasa memenuhi kualifikasi dapat mengirimkan surat lamaran, CV serta berkas pendukung ke alamat :
PT Otto Pharmaceutical Industries
Jl. Dr.Setiabudhi km 12.1
Bandung 40391
Atau email ke
- Deadline : July 30, 2016
Kualifikasi :
- Pendidikan : Profesi Apoteker
- Pengalaman min 2 tahun di bidang QC industri farmasi (untuk SPV) dan fresh graduate (untuk Staf)
- Mampu bekerjasama dalam tim dan mampu menjalin komunikasi dengan baik.
- Dapat menggunakan bahasa Inggris aktif dan pasif
- Domisili di Bandung
Bagi para kandidat yang merasa memenuhi kualifikasi dapat mengirimkan surat lamaran, CV serta berkas pendukung ke alamat :
PT Otto Pharmaceutical Industries
Jl. Dr.Setiabudhi km 12.1
Bandung 40391
Atau email ke
- Deadline : July 30, 2016
- Pria / Wanita, single, usia maks. 26 thn
- Pendidikan : S1, D3, D1 , SMF &. SMU
- Berpenampilan menarik dan pandai berkomunikasi
- Memiliki Sepeda Motor dan SIM C
- Penempatan di kota-kota di seluruh Indonesia
- Pelamar yang lolos seleksi akan menjadi karyawan tetap
- Gaji Pokok, Komisi, Insentif, Kost, Bensin, dll.
Pelamar yang lolos seleksi akan mendapatkan pelatihan / training secara intensif.
Wawancara akan dilakukan di Propinsi masing-masing.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan kunjungi website resmi PT. OTTO Pharmaceutical Industries.
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