Lowongan Kerja PT. VALE INDONESIA, TBK Deadline 04 Agustus 2016

PT Vale Indonesia Tbk merupakan anak perusahaan dari Vale, sebuah perusahaan pertambangan global yang berkantor pusat di Brasil. sebelumnya bernama PT International Nickel Indonesia Tbk. (PT Inco), perusahaan kami mengoperasikan tambang nikel open pit dan pabrik pengolahan di Sorowako, Sulawesi, sejak tahun 1968. Saat ini, kami menjadi produsen nikel terbesar di Indonesia dan menyumbang 5% pasokan nikel dunia.

Nikel banyak dikombinasikan dengan logam lain untuk membentuk campuran yang dikenal karena fleksibilitas dan ketahanannya terhadap oksidasi dan korosi. Logam ini mampu mempertahankan karakteristiknya bahkan dalam suhu ekstrem. Nikel digunakan dalam berbagai produk, seperti televisi, baterai isi ulang, koin, peralatan makan bahkan gerbong kereta.

Lini produksi kami beroperasi dengan energi terbarukan yang dihasilkan oleh tiga pembangkit listrik tenaga air, yang secara keseluruhan menghasilkan 365 mega watt tenaga listrik. Saat ini, tingkat produksi tahunan kami mencapai rata-rata 75.000 metrik ton nickel matte. Dengan investasi lanjutan sebesar AS$2 miliar, kami menargetkan peningkatan produksi tahunan menjadi 120 ribu metrik ton nikel matte dalam lima tahun ke depan.

PT Vale berkomitmen untuk memberi nilai tambah dan mengembangkan warisan yang positif bagi generasi selanjutnya.

Lowongan Kerja PT. VALE INDONESIA, TBK Deadline 04 Agustus 2016

Purpose of the role:
  • To ensure the provision of high standard and professional health care pertaining to internal medicine in the PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk hospitals’ outpatient clinics, outpost clinic, inpatient ward, or emergency room wherever she/he is assigned to.

  • Provide health care in the outpatient clinic, emergency room, inpatient ward, or outpost clinic, wherever she is assigned to, keeping in mind that patient’s wellbeing is of utmost importance, and that all procedure and prescription must be evidence based.
  • Ensure that all aspects of safety and infection control measures are carried out thoroughly at her area of work.
  • Ensure that all legal aspects in her work are appropriately adhered to, protecting herself and the company from any possible lawsuit.
  • Performs the following procedures but not limited to spinal tap, resuscitation, etc.
  • Continuously provide education and training to GP and paramedic staff on matters pertaining to internal medicine and intensive care
  • Regularly review standard operating procedures at location where she is assigned to, and discuss with her supervisor if finds any matters which needs adjustment/improvement, or revision
  • Actively attends daily ward round, contribute to the group effort in order to achieve optimum patient care
  • Consults the appropriate specialist or her supervisor if the case she is attending to require more expertise
  • Coordinate with nursing supervisor to achieve professional nursing service in the location where she is assigned to.
  • Coordinate with the pharmacy supervisor to ensure fast, accurate and professional drug dispensary service, Actively participate as member of the pharmacy committee, referral committee, patient safety committee and medical committee.

Technical Specialization:
  1. Having good knowledge of managed healthcare systems, medical quality assurance, quality improvement and risk management.
  2. Has good clinical medical, and emergency medical skill and knowledge
  3. Has excellent “sense of crisis” in medical matters, and prepared to “jump” to take care of the crisis (such as noticing patient with chest pain, in high fever, in respiratory distress, in danger of exsanguinations, etc.) 

  1. Candidate must possess graduated and completed internal medicine specialist training in well reputed medical school
  2. Certified in ATLS or PTC and ACLS
  3. Minimum of 3-5 years in at least 50 beds hospital which has an intensive care unit
  4. English proficiency both written and spoken
  5. Demonstrated management, and interpersonal skills
  6. Highly self-motivated with proven analytical to solve problems and execute on initiatives
  7. Self-assured and results oriented
  8. Strong customer service orientation

Terms and Conditions:
  1. Please submit resume, curriculum vitae, ID card, recent photograph, copy of academic certificate and transcript (only in PDF format), to ptvi_recruiting@vale.com
  2. Position name and code must be written on envelope or subject of email
  3. Closing date is on 04 August 2016 at 04:00 PM
  4. Only short-list candidates with best qualifications will be invited for further selection process

E-mail: ptvi_recruiting@vale.com

(For External Recruitment)

Purpose of the role:
  • To ensure the provision of high standard and professional health care pertaining to surgery and surgical services in the PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk hospitals’ outpatient clinics, outpost clinic, inpatient ward, operating theatre, or emergency room whichever he/she is assigned to.

  • Provide health care in the outpatient clinic, emergency room, inpatient ward, operating theatre or outpost clinic, wherever he/she is assigned to, keeping in mind that patient’s wellbeing is of utmost importance.
  • Ensure that all aspects of safety and infection control measures are carried out thoroughly at his/her area of work.
  • Ensure that all legal aspects in his work are appropriately adhered to, protecting himself/herself and the company from any possible lawsuit.
  • Performs the following surgeries but not limited to: general surgeries, general orthopedic surgeries, appropriate pediatric surgeries, appropriate plastic reconstructive surgeries, appropriate urologic surgeries, appropriate oncologic surgeries, emergency surgeries.
  • Continuously provide education and training to GP and paramedic staff on matters pertaining to surgical care.
  • Regularly review standard operating procedures at location where he/she is assigned to, and discuss with his supervisor if finds any matters which needs adjustment/improvement, or revision.
  • Actively attends daily ward round, contribute to the group effort in order to achieve optimum patient care.
  • Consults the appropriate specialist or his supervisor if the case he is attending to require more expertise.
  • Coordinate with nursing supervisor to achieve professional nursing service in the location where he/she is assigned to.
  • Coordinate with the pharmacy supervisor to ensure fast, accurate and professional drug dispensary service.
  • Actively participate as member of the pharmacy committee and medical committee.

Technical Specialization:
  1. Having good knowledge of managed healthcare systems, medical quality assurance, quality improvement and risk management
  2. Has good clinical medical, and emergency medical skill and knowledge
  3. Has excellent “sense of crisis” in medical matters, and prepared to “jump” to take care of the crisis (such as noticing patient with chest pain, in high fever, in respiratory distress, in danger of exsanguinations, etc.) 

  1. Candidate must possess graduated and completed general surgical training in well reputed medical school
  2. Certified in ATLS or PTC and ACLS
  3. Minimum of 3-5 years in at least 50 beds hospital with average 80-100 general surgeries/month with him/her as the only surgeon specialist
  4. English proficiency both written and spoken
  5. Demonstrated management, and interpersonal skills
  6. Highly self-motivated with proven analytical to solve problems and execute on initiatives
  7. Self-assured and results oriented
  8. Strong customer service orientation

Terms and Conditions:
  1. Please submit resume, curriculum vitae, ID card, recent photograph, copy of academic certificate and transcript (only in PDF format), to ptvi_recruiting@vale.com
  2. Position name and code must be written on envelope or subject of email
  3. Closing date is on 04 August 2016 at 04:00 PM
  4. Only short-list candidates with best qualifications will be invited for further selection process

E-mail: ptvi_recruiting@vale.com

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