Lowongan Kerja IT STAFF PT. Kreasi Edulab Indonesia Deadline 27 Agustus 2016

PT Kreasi Edulab Indonesia (Edulab Indonesia) is an educational consulting company under EDU GLOBAL INDONESIA GROUP with Edu Global School (International School), Vellocity Private Center, Medulab, and Eduplex Cafe and Co-Working Space. Edulab have a new concept in education that combines academic and psychological aspects evenly to create an independent and intelligent Indonesian young generation.
Lowongan Kerja IT STAFF PT. Kreasi Edulab Indonesia Deadline 27 Agustus 2016
As the only institution that provides integrated educational consulting services, Edulab will always guide the students to discover their potential and find educational goals that match their interests and talents as well as establish their learning character as a preparation for further education.

Edulab was established in 2007 , and currently has 23 branches ever since which are located in large cities including : Bandung, Bekasi, Karawang, Purwakarta, Medan, Padang, Pekanbaru, Balikpapan, Makassar, Semarang and Surabaya.

Our tagline is “Your graduation is our satisfaction“ which has the basic meaning that graduate students become a better person and superior, is our greatest pride and satisfaction.

We are committing to provide the best educational assistance to students, educators, and communities through innovative products and services in order to create high-qualified human being.


PT. Kreasi Edulab Indonesia adalah lembaga konsultan pendidikan yang saat ini memiliki 23 kantor cabang yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia dan masih terus mengembangkan jaringannya.

  • Job Location: Bandung 
  • Deadline: 27 Agustus 2016

Job Description
  • Troubleshooting network, hardware, komputer dan printer
  • Melakukan konfigurasi atau setting perangkat networking
  • Repair hardware, software dan sistem software
  • Maintenance infrastruktur IT
  • Melakukan inventarisasi infrastruktur IT
  • Maintenance database
  • Baik dalam berkomunikasi
  • Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik

  • Pendidikan minimal D-3 Teknologi Informatika/Ilmu Komputer
  • Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun dibidangnya
  • Mempunyai motivasi kuat, bertanggung jawab serta mampu belajar dan bekerja sendiri maupun tim
  • Mengerti networking, setting LAN, WLAN, & Mail Server
  • Mengerti OS Windows, Linux dan Server
  • Mahir Windows System, Linux System, Networking, Troubleshooting, LAN, WAN, Mailserver, PDC/BDC, Linux / Free BSD Menguasai PHP, Java, OOP, MySQL, VB. NET/C#, C++ lebih di utamakan

Lamaran dikirim via email dengan subjek: Nama_IT Staff_Asal Kampus_No. HP ke : job.vacancy@edulab.co.id

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