Lowongan Kerja PT. Hansa Pratama Deadline 09 September 2016

PT. HANSA PRATAMA standing start in Indonesia at 1989. The company started production at 1992 and to supply all the cement companies in Indonesia at 1993.

With the motto "Quality Is Our Main Concern," the company enabling us to go through a long journey. More than 23 years, we have been trying to be the best supplier for many customers with quality products and good service.
Lowongan Kerja PT. Hansa Pratama Deadline 09 September 2016

Starting from 1991 as a metal casting company, which only the spare part companies in East Java has evolved into a company that serves the spare part companies in Indonesia, especially cement companies, almost all of Indonesia (Andalas, Padang, Baturaja, Indocement, Tonasa , Gresik, Holcim Indonesia and Tuban) and exports to Bahrain, USA, United Arab Emirates, Korea, Canada, Japan and Malaysia.

Our commitment to continuously improve the quality, dedication and stamina work, to provide high quality products and services that satisfy the customer, has lead our company to gain recognition as the various companies that could do with the difficulty factor of the high and Chemical Composition of appropriate / suitable with the necessary conditions, such as hardness and resilience to high temperatures.

Supported by a wide range of experience in the field of metal casting and Technology of Korea, then we can be sure to give a Qualified Products suitable for the progress of our business customer.


PT. Hansa Pratama adalah perusahaan PMA yang bergerak di bidang Foundry & Engineering di Kabupaten Sidoarjo membutuhkan Kandidat Profesional untuk menempati posisi sebagai:
  • Pria / Wanita, Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani
  • Pendidikan D-3/D-4/S1Teknik Industri / Mesin / Mettalurgy / Manufaktur / Produksi, IPK min. : 3.00
  • Mengetahui mengenai spare part mesin-mesin industri
  • Lebih diutamakan berpengalaman dibidang yang sama
  • Menguasai bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
  • Komunikatif, Dinamis dan memiliki kemampuan bernegosiasi
  • Jujur, bertanggung jawab, memiliki loyalitas dan integritas tinggi

  • Pria / Wanita, Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani
  • Pendidikan minimal S1 Hukum / Psikologi / Management SDM, IPK min. : 3.00
  • Menguasai UU Ketenagakerjaan, Hubungan Industrial, Legal dan Perijinan
  • Mampu melakukan proses rekruitment
  • Mampu mengoperasikan komputer, minimal MS. Office
  • Mampu menjalin komunikasi yang baik dengan pihak eksternal
  • Disiplin, kritis, responsif, Jujur dan bertanggung jawab
  • Mempunyai Leadership dan dan Integritas yang tinggi

Kirim berkas lamaran lengkap, CV, Ijasah, Transkrip dan Sertifikat pendukung lainnya serta pas foto berwarna terbaru melalui email :

“Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan dipanggil untuk proses interview"

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