Didirikan sejak tahun 1998 , PT Infokom Elektrindo merupakan anak perusahaan dari MNC Media Group. Didirikan sebagai sebuah perusahaan telekomunikasi, kini Infokom telah berkembang menjadi penyedia terkemuka layanan dan solusi terintegrasi teknologi komunikasi di Indonesia.
Dengan cakupan nasional, PT Infokom Elektrindo berkomitmen untuk menyediakan layanan hingga ke seluruh Indonesia. Dengan menyediakan layanan berbasis ICT untuk berbagai macam sektor industri–baik swasta atau milik pemerintah, seperti Perbankan, Pemerintahan, Perkebunan, Minyak dan Gas, Pertambangan dan lain sebagainya
- Membuat solusi dari permintaan customer melalui sales
- Membuat topologi dan boq atas design yang diberikan
- Vendor/supplier management
- Pria/wanita S1 Teknik telekomunikasi/elektro
- Pengalaman min 1 thn
- Memiliki pengetahuan di bidang komunikasi satelit dan it application
- Memiliki pengalaman pre-sales menjadi nilai tambah
- Communication skill
- Mampu mebuat proposal teknis dan presentasi
- Bekerja sebagai technical solution consultan untuk pelanggan terkait ip network dan application
- Menyiapkan bidding documents untuk proses tender
- Menyampaikan technical presentation kepada pelanggan
- Management proyek/implementasi
- Pria/wanita S1 Elektro/telekomunikasi/informatika
- Pengalaman min 2 tahun
- Punya pengetahuan di bidang ip network dan vsat
- Bahasa inggris baik
- Mampu mebuat file presentasi dan dokumen tender
- Pengalaman dalam solution/presales menjadi nilai tambah
- S1 teknik elektro/telekomunikasi/IT
- Pengalaman min 3 tahun
- Mengerti elektronika
- Mengerti bahasa pemrograman
- Mengerti ISP dan Internet
- Mengerti TCP/IP dan sistem routing
- Mempunyai sertifikasi CCNA menjadi nilai tambah
- Mengerti teknologi wireless/vsat/datacomm
- D3 teknik elektro/telekomunikasi
- Pengalaman min 2 tahun
- Mengerti teknologi wireless/vsat/datacomm
- Mengerti konsep elektronika
- control budget corporate
- review analyze cost; copex, opex, cogs, work program
- update & maintain budget
- S1 Economy (Finance & Accounting)
- Pengalaman 3-5 tahun Finance
- Menguasai Excel, budgeting
- Humble
- Good communication
- Self Motivationv
- Support Financial audit and tax audit
- Preparing monthly tax report
- preparing for weekly cash flow report
- check payment request & journal request
- Memahami mengenai Tax (21, 22, 23, 24 & 25)
- Pengalaman 3-5th
- good communication skill, leadership skill
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- Responsible for managing the overall operation responsibilities of the VSAT Hub.
- Directs the VSAT hub staff including supervising operation activity on a daily basis and coordinating with the customer.
- Represent the Company at customer interface meetings.
- Manage the Hub operation and maintenance team of 6 engineers on a day-to-day basis.
- Attend the project planning meetings held between the Company and the customer.
- Actively involved on Proof of Concept of prospect customer.
- Assist team to analyze and solving customer problem issues.
- Information System Improvement for internal monitoring.
- Identifying trends and recommending system improvements.
- Organizing HUB to fulfill SLA target
- Maintain Aging AR and follow up outstanding AR to customers
- Visit customers for pending AR
- Follow up receipt payment to treasury team per days
- Entry receipt payment
- Follow up bukti potong & BHP USO with Tax team
- Entry bukti potong & BHP USO
- Make Reminder Letter for Customers Overdue and confirmation letter of outstanding AR per month for send to customers
- Make & Listing bukti potong and BHP USO that not yet receipt
- Follow up the completeness documents AR
- Entry New Customers in Oracle & E-Faktur
- Issue Invoice, Kwitansi, FP, etc. (Copy 2)
- Entry COA
- Follow up approval dokumens
- Prepare & send documents to customers
- Follow up Receipt documents (Tanda Terima)
- Make Listing customers that not yet have agreement
- Filling
- Make VSAT Report per month
- Listing Link per customers
- Invoice by Product Report per month from oracle
- Follow up the completeness documents AR
- Entry New Customers in Oracle & E-Faktur
- Issue Invoice, Kwitansi, FP, etc. (Copy 2)
- Entry COA
- Follow up approval dokumens
- Prepare & send documents to customers
- Follow up Receipt documents (Tanda Terima)
- Make Listing customers that not yet have agreement
- Filling
- Make VSAT Report per month
- Listing Link per customers
- Invoice by Product Report per month from oracle
- Follow up the completeness documents AR
- Entry New Customers in Oracle & E-Faktur
- Issue Invoice, Kwitansi, FP, etc. (Copy 2)
- Entry COA
- Follow up approval dokumens
- Prepare & send documents to customers
- Follow up Receipt documents (Tanda Terima)
- Make Listing customers that not yet have agreement
- Filling
- Make VSAT Report per month
- Listing Link per customers
- Invoice by Product Report per month from oracle
- Make a verbal creative concept of job agencies and programs related videos
- Make a verbal or script execution of work related to the institution and program video.
- Make execution editing or editing of video work related institutions and programs
- Make sure that the video made continuous and seamless
- make policy (procedures / policies) new or updating existing policy appropriate business process
- involved in existing / new project that requires additional / revision policy
- disseminating corporate policies
- ensuring companies comply with the policy that has been set (both internal policy and holding)
- maintain / filing any policy (both internal policy and holding)
Requirement :
- Handling Customer/Clien Payment Gateway
- Negotiation with customer/clien Payment Gateway
- Penetration of Biller & CA
- Min S1
- Min. 2-3 years experience in PG/Switching
- Good Communication skill
- Good team work
- Experience in Sales/Marketing
Kimkan lamaran dan CV Anda melalui e-mail ke: hr.infokom@mncgroup.com
Paling lambat Juli 2017
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