Lowongan Kerja PT. Bank Commonwealth (Bank Commonwealth) Maret 2018

PT. Bank Commonwealth (Bank Commonwealth) adalah anak perusahaan Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) yang telah hadir di Indonesia sejak tahun 1997, di mana CBA merupakan salah satu kelompok usaha terbesar yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Australia dan tercatat dalam Morgan Stanley Capital Global Index. Didukung oleh lebih dari 1.700 tenaga profesional di bidang perbankan, Bank Commonwealth saat ini melayani nasabah di 25 kota di Indonesia.
Lowongan Kerja PT. Bank Commonwealth (Bank Commonwealth) Maret 2018
Bank Commonwealth menawarkan beragam solusi perbankan yang menarik, seperti tabungan, deposito, KPR, rangkaian produk investasi dan bancassurance, kredit modal kerja dan kredit berjangka bagi SME, Safe Deposit Box (SDB), Call Centre 24 jam dan juga Internet Banking untuk Internet Banking Individu dengan fitur khusus yang menawarkan fleksibilitas bagi nasabah untuk menetapkan tanggal transaksi, fitur standing order, dan pembelian reksa dana.

Lowongan Kerja PT. Bank Commonwealth (Bank Commonwealth) Maret 2018

The Graduate Development Program (GDP) is a 24 months acceleration platform for high - performing graduates, admitted in the most structured banking curriculum
Graduate Development Program
Job Description
All Around, Full Cycle Experience
  • Enjoy a tri- 8 months rotation to every units, letting you groom as a complete banker at the end of the program
Global Exposure
  • Earn your global membership at the #1 financial institution in Australia and one of the biggest Bank in the world.
Proffesional Mentorship
  • Revel in multi-layered mentorship, From duty manager to CEO, all with mission to get you succeed as the next CommLeader
To Join the Elite, you must:
  • Possess Bachelor 's degree, Master degree/Post graduate Degree from reputable university, majoring in Computer Science/ Information Technology, Economics, Engineering (Industrial), Finance/ Accountancy/ Banking, or equivalent
  • Outstanding academic and non academic achievements, minimum GPA 3.20 or equivalent
  • Strong team players, high achievers, people oriented with a strong customer focus, keen to learn, proactive and prepared to initiate improvements.
  • Proficiency in english is a must

Application Deadline 17 Maret 2018

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