PT. PLN (Persero) adalah sebuah BUMN yang mengurusi semua aspek kelistrikan yang ada di Indonesia. Direktur Utamanya adalah Sofyan Basir (sebelumnya adalah Direktur Utama Bank Rakyat Indonesia), menggantikan Nur Pamudji.Ketenagalistrikan di Indonesia dimulai pada akhir abad ke-19, ketika beberapa perusahaan Belanda mendirikan pembangkitan tenaga listrik untuk keperluan sendiri. Pengusahaan tenaga listrik untuk kepentingan umum dimulai sejak perusahaan swasta Belanda N.V. NIGM memperluas usahanya di bidang tenaga listrik, yang semula hanya bergerak di bidang gas. Kemudian meluas dengan berdirinya perusahaan swasta lainnya.
PT PLN (Persero) as the largest electric power provider companyin Indonesia opens the opportunity for candidates who have integrity, highly motivated, creative, and innovativeto fulfill the positions of:
1.Responsible forensuring the corporatetax managementin accordance with applicable regulations.
2.Composing, implement, and evaluate taxation corporatereporting3.Composing, implement, and evaluate the provisions and regulations of corporate taxation accordance with applicable taxation regulations and taxation SOP and make a study of business transactions related to taxation aspects
4.Implement and evaluate the fosteringof corporate tax management atPLN and Subsidiaries as well as cooperation with related parties with expertise in the taxation
5.Composing, implement and evaluate objections of taxation at Directorate General of Taxes and taxation disputes in thetax courtas a follow up to the tax audit
6.Establish taxation strategies and build tax information systems
1.Minimum Bachelor Degree majoring in Accounting/Taxation/Finance
2.Maximum Age 45 years old
4.Have experience for a minimum of 10 years in tax planning, management and litigation (preferably those who have the Brevet Tax C Certificate)
5.Experts in administrative and substantive provisions of taxation regulations andpractices 6.Havegood knowledge in the fields of accounting, finance, information systems, management, and aspects of the corporation's business and its entities.
7.Have interpersonal and communication skills and leadership8.Have a good relationship with stakeholders, especially those in charge of taxation and external tax advisors9.Fluent in written and spoken English
Selection Process:
1.Administrative selection2.Assessment
3.Medical Check Up
4.Pass a probationperiod, at least 1 (one) semester or a maximum of1 (one) year as Specific Time Work Agreement(PKWT), before appointed as a permanent employee
Registration period : February 06-20,2020 To apply and more detail check our e-recruitment website at:
1.Responsible forensuring the corporatetax managementin accordance with applicable regulations.
2.Composing, implement, and evaluate taxation corporatereporting3.Composing, implement, and evaluate the provisions and regulations of corporate taxation accordance with applicable taxation regulations and taxation SOP and make a study of business transactions related to taxation aspects
4.Implement and evaluate the fosteringof corporate tax management atPLN and Subsidiaries as well as cooperation with related parties with expertise in the taxation
5.Composing, implement and evaluate objections of taxation at Directorate General of Taxes and taxation disputes in thetax courtas a follow up to the tax audit
6.Establish taxation strategies and build tax information systems
1.Minimum Bachelor Degree majoring in Accounting/Taxation/Finance
2.Maximum Age 45 years old
3.Minimum of 5 years experience as a Senior Manager in the Tax Sector at Government, Private Company or large-scale National / Multinational Enterprise
4.Have experience for a minimum of 10 years in tax planning, management and litigation (preferably those who have the Brevet Tax C Certificate)
5.Experts in administrative and substantive provisions of taxation regulations andpractices 6.Havegood knowledge in the fields of accounting, finance, information systems, management, and aspects of the corporation's business and its entities.
7.Have interpersonal and communication skills and leadership8.Have a good relationship with stakeholders, especially those in charge of taxation and external tax advisors9.Fluent in written and spoken English
Selection Process:
1.Administrative selection2.Assessment
3.Medical Check Up
4.Pass a probationperiod, at least 1 (one) semester or a maximum of1 (one) year as Specific Time Work Agreement(PKWT), before appointed as a permanent employee
Registration period : February 06-20,2020 To apply and more detail check our e-recruitment website at:
- Pengumuman setiap tahapan seleksi hanya melalui website Peserta Rekrutmen wajib melakukan pengecekan secara berkala.
- Tidak ada korespondensi berkaitan dengan rekrutmen ini dan keputusan Tim Penerimaan Pegawai tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
- Tidak dipungut biaya apapun dalam mengikuti seleksi yang diselenggarakan oleh PT PLN (Persero).
- Tidak ada sistem refund atau penggantian biaya transportasi dan akomodasi yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan seleksi. PT PLN (Persero) tidak bertanggungjawab atas setiap bentuk kerugian yang ditimbulkan akibat penipuan yang mengatasnamakan PT PLN (Persero).
- PT PLN (Persero) berhak menentukan profesi lainnya di luar profesi yang dilamar tanpa meminta persetujuan peserta terlebih dahulu.
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