Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk Tahun 2020

PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk  Didirikan pada tanggal 1 Januari 1961 Waskita Karya adalah salah satu perusahaan negara terkemuka di Indonesia yang berperan besar dalam pembangunan negara. Berasal dari sebuah perusahaan Belanda bernama "Volker Aannemings Maatschappij N.V.", yang diambil alih berdasarkan Keputusan Pemerintah No.62 / 1961, Waskita Karya pada awalnya berpartisipasi dalam pengembangan terkait air termasuk reklamasi, pengerukan, pelabuhan dan irigasi.
Waskita telah mencapai penampilan yang menonjol dalam pembangunan jembatan beton bertulang panjang dengan menggunakan sistem kantilever gratis dengan berhasil menyelesaikan tiga jembatan: Raja Mandala, Rantau Berangin, dan Barelang IV. Prestasi besar lainnya dengan menggunakan teknologi serupa dicapai dalam pembangunan jembatan layang dan jembatan layang "Pasteur-Cikapayang-Surapati" di Bandung. Kisah sukses yang sama juga dicapai dalam pembangunan beberapa bendungan utama seperti Pondok, Grogkak, Tilong, Gapit, dan Sumi, yang selesai lebih cepat dari jadwal dengan kualitas memuaskan.
PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk adalah salah satu BUMN yang terdepan dalam industri konstruksi. Di dalam industri konstruksi, kami memiliki aktivitas dengan cakupan yang luas termasuk dalam jalan tol, jembatan, pelabuhan, bandara, penyaluran air, dan fasilitas industri yang lain.

Business Development Officer (Code: BDO)

  • Male / Female
  • Possess Bachelor / Master degree in Architecture, Urban & Regional Planning, Economics & Business or relevant major
  • Minimum GPA 3.00
  • Age between 21 - 35 years old
  • Have work or internship experience at a consultant and property company (experienced in Business Development or Feasibility Study functions are preferred)
  • Good analytical thinking, strong with numbers and good communication skills
  • Have good communication skill and understanding of Business Feasibility Study, Market Study & Financial Modeling
  • Willing to be placed in any PT Waskita Karya Realty (PT WKR) project or PT WKR subsidiary
Job Description
  • Conduct market and property industry research, and identify new potential business by analyzing various aspects such as market strategy, requirement, potential area, and finance
  • Evaluate option, resolve internal priority, recommend equity investment
  • Create new business plan by conducting market and industry analysis in property or hospitality, apply the latest business development concept and strategy
  • Develop and analyze feasibility studies (market, financial, and risk) on new business plan in property development
  • Analysis of property development potential
  • Ability to Describe and Projection of the Property Market
  • Market Study and Research & Development
  • Communication & Presentation
  • Problem Solving & Negotiation Abilities
  • Fluent in English
  • Computer literated
Land Sourcing Officer (Code: LSO)

  • Male
  • Possess Bachelor degree in Architecture, Urban & Regional Planning, Legal or relevant major
  • Minimum GPA 3.00
  • Experienced working in a Developer at the field of land is preferred
  • Have knowledge in the Property Industry
  • Able to work as a team or individually
  • Willing to be placed in any PT Waskita Karya Realty (PT WKR) project or PT WKR subsidiary
Job Description
  • Looking for Potential Land information to be developed
  • Validate land information according to company needs
  • Conduct land survey
  • Analyze land, technically, legally, and also market potential
  • Prepare survey report and land analysis
  • Analysis of property development potential
  • Ability to Describe and Projection of the Property Market
  • Market Study and Research & Development
  • Communication & Presentation
  • Problem Solving & Negotiation Abilities
  • Fluent in English
  • Computer literated
Collection Officer (Code: CO)

  • Male / Female
  • Minimum Diploma III / Bachelor degree in Communications, Economics, Accounting, Management
  • Minimum GPA 3.00
  • Age between 21-35 years old
  • Minimum 1 year work experience as a Collection (Preferably in Property or Financial Industry)
  • Have good self control
  • Strong in numbers
  • Have good communication and foreign language (English) skills
  • Able to work as a team or individually
  • Have knowledge about the Property Industry
  • Adept at operating computer (especially Excel, and Word)
  • Attractive appearance
  • Have good problem solving skill & negotiating ability
  • Have good Customer Relationship Management & Customer Complaint Handling
  • Willing to be placed in any PT Waskita Karya Realty (PT WKR) project or PT WKR subsidiary
Job Description
  • Monitor consumer to identify installment payment
  • Communicate with client about their loan status, listen and understand about client' problems, consult and propose the best solution to help client carry out their payment responsibility for loan or bad debt
  • Make call professionally to maintain and enhance customer relations. Contact client by phone or email to ask about their past payment
  • Resolve issues with client billing and account receivable fraud, and implement good customer service in a timely manner
  • Review and monitor each consumer account and report it to superior
  • Identify the problem associated with account delinquency and discuss it with management. Report billing status & consumer billing activity
Kirimkan lamaran anda ke email Email: recruitment[at]waskitarealty.co.id 
Dengan Email Subject:  BDO - Business Development Officer / LSO - Land Sourcing Officer / CO - Collection Officer
  • Proses rekrutmen tidak dikenakan biaya apapun
  • Waskita Realty tidak pernah bekerjasama dengan biro perjalanan manapun dalam proses rekrutmen
  • Hanya pelamar memenuhi syarat yang akan diproses untuk mengikuti seleksi

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