Lowongan Kerja CSUL Finance Hingga Mei 2021

CSULfinance, perusahaan pembiayaan yang diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Indonesia, berfokus pada 3 jenis pembiayaan yaitu Pembiayaan Investasi, Pembiayaan Modal Kerja, dan Pembiayaan Multiguna. Sejak berdiri dari tahun 1995, CSULfinance selalu membuka kesempatan bagi siapapun yang ingin bergabung dan mengembangkan karir bersama CSULfinance. Kami selalu berpegang teguh dan menjunjung tinggi pada nilai-nilai inti perusahaan. Saat ini, kami membuka kesempatan kepada setiap tenaga profesional yang berdedikasi tinggi, loyal, jujur dan termotivasi untuk bergabung bersama CSULfinance.
Corporate Credit Analyst
Be part of our team and get the chance to get many opportunity to grow and learn about our business, continous projects, and also career development!
Job Description:
  • Process new and additional corporate customer credit applications,
  • Performs credit analysis on existing customers and prospects.
  • Evaluate customer records and recommend payment plans based on financial condition,
  • Analyze credit data to determine the degree of risk involved in additional credit limit or renewal
Qualifications :
  • Maximum 26 years old.
  • Minimal S1 or D3 degree, any disciplines with minimum GPA 3.00
  • Must have experience at least one year. Experience as heavy equipment and/or machinery credit analyst is preferable.
  • Having knowledge in leasing business is an advantage.
  • Good interpersonal skill & team work.
  • Driving best result, self-starter with high initiative.
  • Committed to the organizational Ethics.

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