Lowongan Kerja Fresh Graduated Internship Program PT. Pertamina (Persero) September 2016 (120 Posisi)

PERTAMINA is a State Owned oil & gas company (National Oil Company), established on December 10, 1957 under the name PT PERMINA. In 1961 the company changed its name to PN PERMINA and after the merger with PN PERTAMIN in 1968 it became PN PERTAMINA. With the enactment of Law 8 of 1971 the company became PERTAMINA. This name persisted until after PERTAMINA changed its legal status to PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) on October 9, 2003.
Lowongan Kerja Fresh Graduated Internship Program PT. Pertamina (Persero) September 2016 (120 Posisi)
PERTAMINA's scope of business incorporates the upstream and downstream sectors. The upstream sector covers oil, gas and geothermal energy exploration and production both domestically and overseas. The foregoing is pursued through own operations and through partnerships in the form of joint operations with JOBs (Joint Operating Bodies), TACs (Technical Assistance Contracts) and JOCs (Joint Operating Contracts), whereas the downstream sector includes processing, marketing, trading and shipping. Commodities produced range from Fuel (BBM) and Non Fuel (Non BBM), LPG, LNG, petrochemicals to Lube Base oil.

Internship 2016 ( INTERN2016 ) 
  • 19/09/2016 - 02/10/2016

Job Description
  • Penempatan di fungsi yang berbeda akan memberikan exposure yang berbeda pula, namun pada umumnya peserta internship akan berkesempatan :

  1. Bekerja dalam tim untuk mengerjakan proyek/ inisiatif 
  2. Data analisis, project monitoring, problem solving, dll

Job Requirement
  • Berijazah S1 atau Surat Keterangan Lulus S1
  • IPK minimal 3.00
  • Usia maksimal 25 tahun pada tahun 2017
  • Memiliki skor English TOEFL (450)/IBT (45)/IELTS (5.5)/TOEIC (550)
  • Latar belakang pendidikan sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan
  • Bersedia melakukan Internship penuh waktu selama 6 bulan
  • Aktif dan terlibat dalam kegiatan ekstrakulikuler
  • Mampu bekerjasama dalam tim dan memiliki kemampuan interpersonal dan komunikasi yang baik
  • Memilki passion dalam mempelajari hal-hal baru

Academic Major
  • Administrasi Bisnis
  • Manajemen
  • Keuangan
  • Hubungan Internasional
  • Hukum
  • Ilmu Kearsipan
  • Keperawatan
  • Komunikasi
  • Desain Grafis
  • Psikologi
  • Statistik
  • Teknik Elektro
  • Teknik Fisika
  • Teknik Geologi
  • Teknik Geofisika
  • Teknik Industri
  • Teknik Informatika
  • Manajemen Informatika
  • Sistem Informasi
  • Teknik Kimia
  • Teknik Mesin
  • Teknik Perminyakan
  • Teknik Sipil

Vacant Position: 120
Test Location: Jakarta

Bagi anda yang tertarik dan memenuhi kualifikasi diatas silahkan melakukan pendaftaran online: Apply Now.

How to Apply
  1. Click "Register Me" to create username & password
  2. A confirmation would be sent directly to your e-mail, please follow the steps on your e-mail to be automatically redirected to the recruitment page
  3. If you are not redirected automatically from your e-mail link, click http://recruitment.pertamina.com once more and log in your username & password
  4. Once you're logged in and click "vacancy"
  5. Click your desired position (Fresh Graduate or Experienced Hire)
  6. Click on the job vacancy that suits best with your educational background, check carefully for details
  7. Click "apply"
  8. Please ensure that you fill out all the required personal information (information with red stars must strictly be filled)
  9. Upload all mandatory files
  10. Submit your request
  11. Re-check your email for an application confirmation, and wait for the next step
  12. For further inquiries please contact "Contact PERTAMINA" at 1 500 000 or please email to : pcc@pertamina.com

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