LOWONGAN KERJA PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Tbk TAHUN 2019

Muamalat Officer Development Program-Future Leader (MODPFL) gives you a great opportunity to develop yourself as sharia banker, the expertise that will stand out in the future
LOWONGAN KERJA PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Tbk TAHUN 2019

Muamalat Officer Development Program-Future Leader (MODPFL)
  • Bachelor or Master degree from reputable university
  • Min GPA: 3.00 (for Bachelor degree) or 3.25 (for Master degree) within 4.00 scale
  • Maximum age: 25 (for Bachelor degree) or 27 (for Master degree)
  • Preferably from Islamic Economics/Economics, Engineering, Information System, Mathematics, Science, Statisticsor Psychology major
  • TOEFL/IELTS/TOEIC score minimum 500/6/550
  • High Integrity, positive attitude, open minded, strong personality and leadership quality, excellent communication & analytical skill.

If you think you have what it takes to be the future leader of Bank Muamalat, send your cv to recruitment@bankmuamalat.co.id or visit our career site at www.bankmuamalat.co.id/karir, at the latest by 22Maret 2018

Hafidz Qur’an will be highly appreciated

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