Loker Mine Engineer PT. Vale Juli 2021

Kami adalah perusahaan global yang berkomitmen untuk menjadi perusahaan yang menghargai keanekaragaman dan inklusi. Kami percaya pengembangan keterampilan dan pengalaman karyawan yang berkelanjutan merupakan salah satu kekuatan dalam bisnis pertambangan tingkat global. Kami melakukan beragam upaya untuk peningkatan keahlian dan kompetensi karyawan kami dengan standar internasional.

Mine Engineer
Purpose of the Role:
To develop and provide short term production planning and support to Mine Operation to ensure the output meets the production budget in volume, quality, costs and also comply to safety standard.

1. Provide a mine planning package that meet the budget/forecast such as:
• Mine plan included: mining face, disposal, and dyke design based on master plan from 
Medium Term Planning.
• Prepare and control the production planning in line with budget/forecast.
• Daily, Weekly, Monthly (D+30) and Rolling 3 Month plan, mud maps.
• Mine equipment scheduling.
• Release area for rehabilitation and reclamation.
2. Ensure that all mining stripping face or disposal is inside the IPPKH area.
3. Request the timber and land clearing permit before opening an area inside IPPKH.
4. Create schedule for land clearing, liaise with Mine Operation to execute and request the tree bucking process.
5. Monitor the equipment distribution, location, sequences and productivity as planned.
6. Ordering survey peg as guidance for Mine Operation to execute the weekly plan boundaries.
7. Liaise with other section to ensure the execution of the plan is comply to safety standards and 
meet the overall production target.
8. Establish short term monitoring system of production achievement in daily, weekly and monthly to 
ensure no deviation from the target.
9. Develop master hill plan.
10. Provide tasks and reports requested by Supervisor of Short Term Planning.

Technical Specializations:
1. Understand nickel laterite formation, profile and ore characteristics.
2. Ore reserves computation
3. Production Scheduling, ore blending, equipment calculation.
4. Computer software microsoft office and mine plan software such as Vulcan.

1. Minimum bachelor in mine engineering
2. Minimum 5 years working experience in Mining
3. Mandatory certified as Pengawas Operational Pertama (POP)
4. Fluent in English both written and verbal.

How to apply:
 Please submit your application to https://forms.office.com/r/RJp0yWvL4a
 Closing date (inclusive) is on July 9th, 2021.
 Only applicants that meet requirements with complete documents as required above will be 
notified for further selection process.
 We are hoping for gender equality, so having a good number of female applicants will be 
important, therefore we encourage female applicant to apply for this position.
 For further information about PT Vale Indonesia Tbk please visit http://www.vale.com/indonesia.

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