Dalam Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Menengah Nasional (RPJMN) 2010-2014, Indonesia memberi prioritas pada peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia, termasuk penguatan daya saing perekonomian serta peningkatan kemampuan ilmu dan teknologi. Agar kesejahteraan rakyat meningkat, Indonesia melakukan pembangunan ekonomi yang berlandaskan pada keunggulan daya saing, kekayaan sumber daya alam dan sumber daya manusia, serta budaya bangsa. Untuk mewujudkannya, Indonesia menguatkan tiga pilar strategi pembangunan, yakni pro-pertumbuhan, lapangan kerja, dan masyarakat miskin, dengan pembangunan yang inklusif dan berkeadilan.
Sejalan dengan strategi pembangunan tersebut, pemerintah menyambut baik peluang bersaing untuk mendapat hibah kompetitif Compact yang dikelola oleh Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Amerika Serikat. Peluang kerjasama ini semakin dimungkinkan karena Pemerintah Indonesia dan MCC memiliki misi serupa mengenai pengentasan kemiskinan. Misi MCC adalah menanggulangi kemiskinan melalui pertumbuhan ekonomi berkelanjutan.
Pada 2007-2009, Indonesia sudah pernah mendapatkan hibah US$ 55 juta dari MCC Threshold Program. Indonesia dianggap berhasil dalam memanfaatkan hibah itu, yang dipakai membiayai program imunisasi dan antikorupsi. Keberhasilan itu membuat Indonesia lolos kualifikasi untuk ikut dalam kompetisi program hibah Compact.
Hibah Compact MCC harus diperoleh secara bersaing dengan sejumlah negara lain. Pada tahun anggaran 2009, ada tiga negara yang memenuhi persyaratan MCC sebagai kandidat penerima hibah program Compact, yaitu Indonesia, Zambia, dan Kolombia. Indonesia lantas menjadi pemenang program hibah besar berjangka waktu lima tahun tersebut. Hibah Compact ini merupakan komitmen terbesar Amerika Serikat dalam tiga dekade terakhir di Indonesia.
Pada 19 November 2011, perjanjian hibah bertajuk Millennium Challenge Compact Grant Agreement ditandatangani oleh kedua pihak di Bali. Pemerintah Amerika Serikat diwakili oleh Menteri Luar Negeri Hillary Rodham Clinton, sedangkan Pemerintah Indonesia diwakili oleh Menteri Keuangan Agus D.W. Martowardojo. Hibah yang mendukung Kemitraan Komprehensif Amerika Serikat dengan Indonesia tersebut dimanfaatkan dalam periode 2013-2018.
Millennium Challenge Account – Indonesia
Reducing Poverty through Economic Growth
Director, Green Prosperity Project
Millennium Challenge Account - Indonesia (MCA-Indonesia) is a trustee institution that represents the Government of Indonesia to implement a five-year (2013-2018) Millennium Challenge Corporation’s Compact Program, a major pillar of the United States-Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership and the largest single pledge made by the United States to Indonesia to date. MCA-Indonesia has three projects under Compact Program: Green Prosperity (GP), Community-based Health and Nutrition to Reduce Stunting (CHNP) and Procurement Modernization (PM). MCA-Indonesia goal is to reduce poverty through economic growth.
MCA – Indonesia is looking for a qualified
Director, Green Prosperity Project
Position Objective:
- Reporting to the Deputy Executive Director for Program, the Green Prosperity (GP) Project Director will manage $332 million. S/he will be responsible for successful implementation of the GP Project and recruit, direct, and supervise a team of technical specialists (the GP Team) that will manage and support the primary activities of the GP Project. In addition, the Green Prosperity Project Director will serve as the main contact for the GP Project with Government of Indonesia counterparts, civil society,GP project beneficiaries, community and private sector representatives, service providers, provinces and district multi-stakeholder forums.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Reporting to the Deputy Executive Director for Programs, the Green Prosperity (GP) Director has overall responsibility for successful implementation of the Green Prosperity Project consistent with the objectives, budget, investment criteria, and other requirements stipulated in the Compact.
- Recruit, direct, and supervise a team of technical specialists (the GP Team) that will manage and support the primary activities of the GP Project, including both home office (Jakarta) and, if required, field staff.
- Serve as the main MCA-Indonesia representative for the GP Project with Government of Indonesia counterparts, civil society, GP project beneficiaries, community and private sector representatives, service providers, province and district multi-stakeholder forums, and MCAIndonesia.
- Develop and execute a private sector engagement strategy, the objective of which is to identify and pursue opportunities that attract or leverage private sector interest, investment, or commercial activity both within and complementary to the GP Project.
- Be responsible for the development of project work plans and management plans and ensure compliance with Compact requirements through document review and approval and activity monitoring.
- Oversee and support the process for selection of eligible districts that meet GP district readiness criteria and other requirements for funding. Support the timely agreement and signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between selected districts and MCA-Indonesia in accordance with Compact requirements.
- Provide timely and systematic oversight across the four GP activities, namely:
- Participatory Land Use Planning: Ensure technical integrity, equity and transparency in administrative boundary setting, updating and integration of land use inventories and enhancement of spatial plans at the district and provincial levels in order to support sound investment decisions by the GP Facility and its Investment Committee.
- Technical Assistance and Oversight Activity: Support the identification, development and oversight (as appropriate) of low-carbon development projects that meet GPF requirements and selection criteria and that will support balanced investments in renewable energy and sustainable management and use of natural resources.
- GP Facility: Manage performance of GP grant facility, including contract management of external management consultants and MCA staff, projects receiving GP grant funding, and subsequent results. Ensure objective, informed and justified investment decisions based on agreed investment and eligibility criteria, and other requirements of Compact and GP Facility
- Green Knowledge: Strengthen local, provincial, and national capacity to pursue low-carbon economic development within the context of the GP Project.
8. Ensure coordination within and among the four GP project activities; promote learning across the GP districts and projects; and foster collaborative approaches at the provincial and district-level between GP and other GOI and or donor-funded low-carbon development initiatives.
9. Provide technical inputs and review to project activities including, but not limited to, participatory planning processes, disbursements, consultant and contractor Terms of Reference, training materials and subsequent training sessions, work plans, Work with MCA-Indonesia and MCC management to finalize implementation framework, procurement documents, awareness campaigns, evaluative studies, and project reports.
10. Ensure that the GP project is implemented in full compliance with MCC and Compact requirements related to environmental and social management and gender integration, and in accordance with relevant Government of Indonesia environmental laws and procedures.
11. Prepare regular progress reports and serve as the main point of contact on GP-related matters to the MCA-Indonesia Executive Director.
12. Prepare periodic progress reports and serve as the main point of contact on GP-related matters to MCC. Ensure appropriate coordination and interface is maintained between the MCAIndonesia and MCC GP technical teams.
13. Ensure that provincial- and district-level findings are incorporated into project design and revisions.
14. Travel as necessary, domestically and internationally, to build and maintain effective working relationships with key counterparts and stakeholders, especially within GP eligible provinces and districts.
15. Other miscellaneous tasks as may be required.
1. Education, experience and technical competencies:
- Advanced degree in business, management, finance or similar discipline or other relevant fields.
- Demonstrated experience in private sector and/or development fields of relevance to GP, such as energy and environment, forestry, rural development planning, or natural resources management.
- Approximately fifteen (15) or more years of professional experience, including preferably seven (7) years of demonstrated experience managing large finance, renewable energy, development, and/or rural economic development projects in an international setting, preferably with scale, scope, size or value similar to the GP project.
- Preferably demonstrated project management experience, that includes leading a team of 10- 20 people, convening strategic/program planning, execute and manage annual an budget of $30 million or more [preferred], and managing large value contractual agreements of $1 million or larger [preferred].
- Knowledge of Government of Indonesia laws, regulations, and development plans, particularly those relevant to renewable energy, spatial planning, environmental and social assessment, gender, climate change, public consultation, and economic development planning.
- Good understanding of development issues and decentralized governance in Indonesia and the challenges is an advantage.
2. Personal attributes and competencies:
- Strong leadership capacity and ability to clearly define the strategic direction and objectives of the leadership
- Demonstrated ability to interact constructively and strategically with technical experts, government officials, beneficiaries of Compact projects, civil society, contracted service providers, local community leaders, and private sector counterparts.
- Demonstrated ability to lead and work with multidisciplinary teams and institutions.
- Advance ability to guide and mentor staff, and manage individual performance.
- Ability to communicate accurately, delegate tasks effectively and hold staff accountable.
- Demonstrated ability to collaborate effectively with peers as well as work across departments or divisions.
- Successful track record (and history) of delivering high quality projects on time and within budget.
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in both English and Bahasa Indonesia languages is required.
- Experience working in Indonesia or the region on similar projects is preferred.
- Values the continuous improvement and learning, and committed to mentoring and coaching of team member.
Terms and Conditions:
- We will provide competitive remuneration commensurate with skills and experience.
- The duty station will be at MCA-Indonesia Office in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Application Process:
- The deadline of application is by November 20, 2015 and may be extended if necessary.
- Interested and qualified candidates are invited to send a letter of interest highlighting the suitability for and the potential contribution to the position, a detailed CV and contact details for three referees to recruitment@mca-indonesia.go.id.
- Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
- Please indicate the position in the email subject line.
Social and Gender Assessment Project Specialist Green Prosperity Project
Millennium Challenge Account - Indonesia (MCA-Indonesia) is a trustee institution that representsthe Government of Indonesia to implement a five-year (2013-2018) Millennium Challenge Corporation’s Compact Program, a major pillar of the United States-Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership and the largest single pledge made by the United States to Indonesia to date. MCA-Indonesia has three projects under Compact Program: Green Prosperity (GP), Community-based Health and Nutrition to Reduce Stunting (CHNP) and Procurement Modernization (PM). MCA-Indonesia goal is to reduce poverty through economic growth.
MCA – Indonesia is looking for a qualified professional
Social and Gender Assessment Project Specialist
Position Objective:
The Social & Gender Assessment (SGA) Project Specialist will provide support for SGA team on substantive inputs to social inclusion and gender integration activity implementation under the Green Prosperity (GP) Project. The SGA Project Specialist will also support the planning, implementation and Monitoring of SGIP in the respective projects and other SGA activities, and events. SGA GP Project Specialist will report to the SGA Director. She or he will work closely with the Green Prosperity Team, its contractors and subcontractors, government counterparts and key-stakeholders.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Reporting to the SGA Director, the SGA GP Project Specialist has primary responsibility to provide support to implement and monitor MCA Indonesia Social and Gender Integration Plan (SGIP) activities under GP Project, ensuring that GP activities are in compliance with key guiding documents of MCC Gender Policy and Counter Trafficking in Person (C-TIP) Policy and MCA-I GP SGIP and provide technical support to develop quarterly and annual work plan of SGIP GP activities, Procurement Plan and Quarterly Disbursement Request (QDR).
- In coordination with GP Community Based Natural Resource Management Grant team, provide oversight and technical support to Grant Program Management (GPM) team in managing the Women’s Economic Empowerment Grant for women’s organizations and cooperatives, take part in capacity development activities for grantees and involve in monitoring exercise.
- Plan, draft TORs and support the recruitment process of GP gender consultants and contractors as needed per SGIP and ensure quality and timely deliverables of consultants and contractors, to include provision of technical review to consultants and contractors reports, and help in finalizing the reports.
- In coordination with GP and Cross-Cutting Team, oversee and monitor GP project activities, including provision of technical review of project proposals, TORs and studies to assess the projects’ compliance to SGIP, MCC Gender and C-TIP Policy, as well as conduct due diligence to ensure that the project has taken into account the risk of social exclusion and gender inequality and develop plan to mitigate the risks, to document the analysis and review and share it with GP Team and SGA Director.
- Build and maintain working relationship with key counterparts and stakeholders, including liaise and coordinate with relevant government ministries/institutions such as, Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and Ministry of Environment and Forestry, private sector, women’s organizations and civil society and other relevant stakeholders for effective implementation of SGIP in GP, to also build network for knowledge sharing and community of practice.
- Liaise and work together with other units in MCA-Indonesia, particularly Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) and Communication and Outreach to support integration of gender sensitive indicators in GP Project, strengthen knowledge management and communications to share lessons learned from GP SGIP activities for wide range of audience.
- Support SGA Director and team to plan and organize strategic events and engagement with policy makers and other stakeholders to advocate for policy recommendations drawn from policy studies, capacity development initiatives and lessons learn planned in SGIP.
- Support and provide SGA regular report as needed such as weekly update, monthly, and quarterly report both narrative and financial.
- Provide support to SGA Director and Team as needed.
Draft short notes on Green Prosperity and gender and social inclusion good practices/initiatives to be published by MCA Indonesia website.
1. 1. Education, experience and technical competencies:
- A graduate degree in gender/women’s studies, sociology, anthropology, economics, agriculture, forestry, sustainable development and other relevant fields. Holding an advanced degree (Master’s degree) is preferable.
- Minimum 7 (seven) years of working experience in gender and women’s empowerment project/program, including:
- Integrating social inclusion and gender equality into sustainable development/livelihoods, climate change, agroforestry/sustainable agriculture, value chain, social justice and community participation projects. Experience in managing the project is preferable.
- Managing pool of consultants, overseeing project plan and budgeting, developing and implementing work plans, project monitoring and evaluation, reporting (project documentation/knowledge management), network/liaise with government and nongovernment institutions.
- Previous working experience in the area of gender equality and women’s empowerment in sustainable development, natural resource management and renewable energy under national or international organization; additional experience working on social and gender safeguard, value chain and women’s economic empowerment is a plus.
- Experience in research and capacity building on gender, sustainable development, natural resource management and renewable energy is an advantage.
- Significant knowledge on gender and women’s empowerment, environment and natural resource management policies and regulations, relevant government and non-governmental organizations working at national and sub-national level.
- Experience working effectively with a broad range of institutions and stakeholders (government and non-government), including women’s organizations and national women’s machinery (Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection and Komnas Perempuan);
- Fluency in oral and written, and excellent writing and communication skills in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
2. Personal attributes and competencies:
- Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, and demonstrated ability to effectively interact and collaborate with people/stakeholders in multidisciplinary teams as well as work across departments, divisions and institutions
- Good in personal organization, planning and priority setting. Have good initiative, is focused and result oriented
- An effective team-player and has excellent coordination skill.
- Able to multi-task and stay composed and positive even in difficult moments, handle tense situations with diplomacy and tact, and have a consistent behavior towards others.
- Ability to work with a high degree of autonomy and to take initiative in a transparent manner.
- Have high integrity and the ability to exercise good judgment.
- Actively works towards continuing personal learning, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills.
Terms and Conditions:
- The appointment will be for a period of one year with the option to renew the term upon satisfactory review of the professional’s services/performance by MCA-Indonesia. The duty station will be at MCA-Indonesia Office in Jakarta, Indonesia. Competitive remuneration commensurate with skills and experience.
Application Process:
- The deadline of application is by November 20, 2015 and may be extended if necessary.
- Interested and qualified candidates are invited to send a letter of interest highlighting the suitability for and the potential contribution to the position, a detailed CV and contact details for three referees to recruitment@mca-indonesia.go.id.
- Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
- Please indicate the position in the email subject line.
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