Lowongan Kerja PT Metrodata Electronics Tbk Agustus 2016

PT Metrodata Electronics Tbk (“Perseroan”) merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) dan salah satu perusahaan terkemuka di Indonesia. Sebagai kelompok bisnis yang berkembang pesat dalam teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, METRODATA GROUP percaya bahwa selain infrastruktur teknologi, sumber daya manusia merupakan aset utama. Oleh karena itu, dari waktu ke waktu, METRODATA GROUP menawarkan peluang karir untuk profesional pekerja keras, kreatif dan dinamis yang ingin bergabung bersama kami. Saat ini, PT Metrodata Electronics membuka kesempatan berkarir bersama kami dalam program METRODATA TRAINEE PROGRAM (MTP).
Lowongan Kerja PT Metrodata Electronics Tbk Agustus 2016
Terdapat 2 (dua) posisi yang sedang kami tawarkan, yaitu:
  1. MTP – Business Trainee (BT)
  2. MTP – Consultant Trainee (CT)


As an Indonesiaan leading ICT company established since 1975, METRODATA GROUP believes that a solid and customer satisfaction oriented team,is the way to achieve ultimate success To fullfil that commitment, we invite you, highly committed professional to explore and be part of our team.


Metrodata Trainee Program is a development acceleration program for university fresh graduated. You will participate in an intensive development program for 4 months that will sharpen your knowledge and skills to prepare you to become an expert in IT industry.The program includes in class training, on job training. practical experience, coaching and mentoring by experienced personnel Upon successful completion of the programs, you will become Metrodata employees with comprehensive scale and great
remuneration package (induding health insurance Jamsostek, THR etc) and also a dynamic career challenge in its industry.
  • Willing to follow the program and ready to be developed as a Professional Sales with a wide range of IT Solutions and Products knowledge 
  • S1/S2 Degree, graduated from reputable university from any major with min. GPA 3.00
  • Willing to join development program for 4 months
  • Willing to be hire on agreement contract for the selected and trained candidates during the progam

  • Willing to follow the programand ready to be developed as a Professional IT
  • Consultant with a wide range of Solutions and Products knowMedge
  • S1/S2 Degree graduated from reputable university. majoring in Computer Science, Computerized accounting Computer Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Accounting with min GPA300
  • Willing to join development program for 4 months
  • Willing to be hire on agreement contract for the selected andtrained candidates during the program
Simply just visit our website www.metrodata.co.id/career then sign in to our jopbportal and upload your CV here. Official source.
Lowongan Kerja PT Metrodata Electronics Tbk Agustus 2016

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